Friday, October 18, 2019

The effect of Globalization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The effect of Globalization - Essay Example The effect of Globalization One of the obvious aspects of global concern that has been profoundly affected by globalization is citizenship; with global interrelationships, it is becoming increasingly hard for nations to maintain their sovereignty in the global system, and  eventually  national citizenship is lost. Nations in the global system are obliged to systems and decisions of mutual interest, and to a certain level, security and wellbeing of the citizenry is never assured. National citizenship is thus affected and determined by external conditions in the global system, and in this regard, entitlements of  national  citizenship  are lost. National citizenship is crucial in the sense that it assures individuals belongingness, a surety that they are protected by their countries in exchange for loyalty to them. In this respect, the state is obliged to secure the rights of their citizenry within their borders, and the citizens have a responsibility to their countries. However, with the rise of global ization, national citizenship is destabilized due to movement towards integration and interconnectedness of nations on an international level. The role of globalization in undermining the citizenship of individuals can be regarded clearly from a socio-economic perspective; the global economic system presents tough conditions of trade that lead to stiff completion between nations. Economic decisions and measures are taken at a global level, and individual nations have no control on the laws governing trade and exchange in the global markets. In this regard, the states cannot protect their citizens against liabilities and risks of losses in the global economy.3 Citizens are on their own in the global markets, and their economic prospective is determined by global forces of trade, with little intervention from the individual’s countries. Largely, domestic economic policies are derived from the global market conditions, and this undermines national sovereignty and national citize nship accordingly. Countries are eventually forced to sacrifice their social-economic goals in favor of global ones, and to this effect, the preference for effective ways of production such as cheap labor directly affects the well fair of citizenship. For instance, in the case of outsourcing for labor, the countries have no power to ensure employment to the citizenry, thus leading to loss of jobs to foreigners and unemployment.4 With the ease of movement and interaction of people and businesses across boundaries, there is an obvious loss of cultural uniformity. Nationhood can no longer be defined in the global system as cultures are easily diffused and  eventually  abandoned all together with a preference for more superior ones. In this respect, globalization undermines the cultural uniformity of individual nations as global norms and ideals override the national ones. There is a move towards the establishment of universal citizenship, one that is one, which by cultural barriers and boarders; this means that national identities are dismantled and lost all together. Citizens can no longer identify with national values and ideals, and in this

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