Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Human resources in hospitality & Marketing Hospitality Research Paper

Human resources in hospitality & Marketing Hospitality - Research Paper Example Managing human resources in hospitality is a challenging experience that requires effective planning and high level of competency (Hayes & Ninemeier, 2009). An article by Jarpi (2007) explains more about human resource in hospitality. The article explains that owners of hospitality business must be rational critical thinkers and have deep understanding on the changing rules and regulations. The author further argues that promotion of employees in the hospitality industry should be based on skills and experience. Incompetent workforce is dangerous to work with since it contributes to poor performance of the business. In this regard, effective policies should be put in place to ensure smooth operation of the workforce in an organization (Ming-chih, Haiyan & Kevin, 2011). Marketing hospitality refers to the process of selling out products and services of a hospitality firm to the target market. Marketing hospitality takes different forms, for instance; advertising, product promotion, offering of competitive prices, branding and many others.. According to Reid & Bojanic (2010), effective marketing strategies should be employed in order to boost sales and profitability in the hospitality sector. Fields (2014) wrote an article postulating various hospitality marketing strategies that can be used to boost the profits of a hospitality firm. The article states that extensive market research and establishment of realistic plans for achieving the foreseen goals and objectives of a business firm are the basic factors to success. In addition, Fields further states that, accountability is a crucial factor to consider as far as marketing hospitality is concerned. The article outlines that advertisements can be done through the print and electronic media, depending on the target market and the firm’s financial position. The modern technology has aided in providing numerous avenues for posting advertisements. For instance, the use of social media

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