Monday, November 4, 2019

Code of Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Code of Ethics - Essay Example Neither the physician nor the nurse examined this form as it also contained a medical power of attorney for healthcare. In addition, Mr. E was responsible for the decisions he made. On following the Texas State Law regarding the medical power of attorney, Mr. B was still not allowed to make decisions for Mr. E, unless he was unable to formulate decisions for himself. â€Å"The desire of a qualified patient supersedes the effect of a directive.†Ã‚   (â€Å"Health and safety code†, 1991) Mr. H., Mr. E’s nephew, would also never been approached to give consent regarding Mr. E’s health since Mr. E had not handed permission to his nephew to get involved with his medical condition. In simple words, Mr. H had not been accordance a go on matters pertaining Mr. E’s medical records and treatment plan and hence approaching him was illegal. This violated the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). This policy clearly indicates that an indiv idual’s medical information should not be shared or discussed with other individuals not involved in the management of the patient when he or she had not given any consent. By so, Mr. E’s privacy rights were violated by the nurses and physicians and hence the matter was reported to the facility ethical officer. In problem could have been avoided easily by the nurses and physicians by simply asking Mr. E if they would speak to his nephew concerning his medical information. ... In provision two of The American Nurses Association, state â€Å"the nurses first commitment is to the patient.† Nursing World (2009) supports either of the above mentioned possibilities, for instance, in Mr. E’s case; decision to be taken was for the interest of the patient. The deciding factors in cases like this entirely should involve the patient’s interests. Nursing autonomy states that nurses’ decisions should be based on what is ethical and moral. The latter decision would not be a choice in such a circumstance. Legally, the nurse should have shared liability in any negative outcome Mr. E experienced as a result of his intubation. In this situation, permission was obtained from Mr. H, a non-qualified individual and hence Mr. E’s privacy was violated and in addition, forced to succumb to procedure he never consented in written. It is always good to remember that patient’s could at all times have the final words pertaining procedures and accorded treatment. â€Å"The principal of autonomy upholds respect for decision making capacity of patients.† (Beauchamp & Childress, 1994). As a strict patient advocate, the nurse should at least have explained to Mr. E that placement of the ventilator could have been for a short while till when his pneumonia improves, then from there removed. If Mr. E. could still have refused intubation, then the nurse could have supported Mr. E’s rights for refusing the procedure. The Texas Standards of Nursing Practice clearly states that the nurse’s responsibility is to â€Å"collaborate with the client, members of the healthcare team, and, when appropriate, the client’s significant other(s) in the interest of the client’s healthcare.† (â€Å"Texas

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