Monday, December 30, 2019

Analysis Of Hector And The Search For Happiness - 904 Words

For the most part, everyone likes to hang onto his or her happier thoughts. People grasp onto the moments in which a smile adores their face or a laugh escapes without permission. Innocent memories filled with wonderful ignorance. As people grow older, the memories no longer hold onto such innocence. They experience a journey in which they grow and learn, see and feel, as does Hector in his search for happiness. In the film â€Å"Hector and the search for happiness,† the main character, Hector embarks on a journey. In his journey, Hector learns that happiness is feeling completely alive, listening is loving and happiness is being loved for who you are. Throughout his journey, Hector learns that happiness is feeling completely alive. In the beginning of the film Hector portraits unhappiness in his everyday life. While at work he sits and nods, not at all intrigued by his career. He does not enjoy his job despite it being a good, well payed job. Later on in the film, his wife invites him to dance a request; he turns down more than once. Instead, he sits alone by the bar set aside from the cheers and laughs going on around him. As the films moves on hector losses up a little. When he reaches Africa and visits the makeshift hospital his friend Michael has set up, he meets a young boy named Buratti. Upon seeing the injured little boy, Hector allows himself to be a little silly in order to ease Buratti up and make him laugh. Through his adventure in Africa, he goes through over packingShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Hector And The Search For Happiness1113 Words   |  5 PagesHector and the Search for Happiness, an awesome movie that allowe d me to rediscover what happiness truly is and opened up my mind to its many other concepts. The movies main character is a young physiatrist named Hector, as the movie plays out Hector begins to travel the world in search of the true definition of happiness and what happiness means to the people around him. Hector’s destinations were China, Africa, and L.A. I believe that the settings affect the development of Hector’ character inRead More P2P File-Sharing Essay3595 Words   |  15 Pages3. With MP3 software, users could easily create their own MP3 files and listen to them on their computers. A revolutionary new seed had been planted in the already blossoming Internet. Now how can people with MP3 exchange songs with others? The Search Begins, The Power of P2P Up until this point, we have several pieces of the puzzle. First, there is the Internet, on which millions of users worldwide are interconnected. Second, the invention of MP3 encoding of audio files as discussed above. NowRead MoreA Descriptive Study of the Practice of Music Therapy in Hong Kong17388 Words   |  70 Pagesthe blood, the digestion, the lungs and breathing (Alvin, 1975). Esquirol, a renowned psychiatrist, wrote a book titled Insanity in Mental Maladies in 1748. 1987). He regarded music as â€Å"a valuable remedial agent† (Alvin, 1975; Peters: In 1846, Dr Hector Chomet wrote a treatise on â€Å"The Influence of Music on Health and Life†, which was later presented to the Paris Academy of Sciences, stating the use of music as a help in the prevention and treatment of illness (Alvin, 1975). During the 19th centuryRead MoreInstitution as the Fundamental Cause of Long Tern Growth39832 Words   |  160 Pagesclimate can be so excessive that the body there will be absolutely without strength. So, prostration will pass even to the spirit; no curiosity, no noble enterprise, no generous sentiment; inclinations will all be passive there; laziness there will be happiness,† and â€Å"People are ... more vigorous in cold climates. The inhabitants of warm countries are, like old men, timorous; the people in cold countries are, like young men, brave†. One of the founders of modern economics Marshall is another prominent ï ¬ gure

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Great Gatsby and Death of a Salesman - 913 Words

The American Dream Throughout history the American dream has been a fantasy that everyone wanted to achieve. The american dream focuses on opportunity, equality and overall achievement that includes both tangible and intangible objects. The american dream came from the early settlers in America who were striving to achieve equality and opportunities for everyone. The american dream appealed to everyone because it was possible for everyone to achieve. It wasnt all about how much money a person could achieve, but more about how everyone had the ability to achieve it. The american dream is still trying to be achieved today and is an ongoing process that many people are working hard to attain. The advertisements of the american dream are focused a lot on what people are capable of becoming as well as the material part part of the dream and how much they can own. Although the American dream seemed like a reality for most people living in the 1920s and 1950s because of the economic prosper ity, it was actually unattainable because of the corrupted values of people living during this era. The american dream can be thought of as a broad subject, but each decade in history focused on a different part of the dream. In the 1920s, the dream focused on wealth and how much material products people had. Wealth was something that everyone yearned because it gave them a sense of power and made them feel like their life was a success. The 1920s was a time of change with unbelievableShow MoreRelatedThe Great Gatsby And The Death Of A Salesman1328 Words   |  6 PagesWithin these two stories, The Great Gatsby and The Death of a Salesman, there are numerous similarities and differences amongst the protagonist characters in the stories: Jay Gatsby, a well-off, aristocratic man who throws immense parties in order to satisfy his desires of finding the girl and Willy, a father who has flashbacks that distort his vision of the truth and his vision to success. The â€Å"American Dreamà ¢â‚¬  is the â€Å"dream† that all Americans are granted the same chance to attain their life goalsRead MoreThe Great Gatsby And Death Of A Salesman1241 Words   |  5 Pagesambition has been so prevalent in literature. It is the dominant theme in The Great Gatsby by F.Scott Fitzgerald, William Shakespeare s Macbeth, Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller and The Wolf of Wall Street by Jordan Belfort. In this essay, I will discuss the two ways over ambition can cause an individual s downfall. The first is setting unattainable goals which we can see in The Great Gatsby and Death of a Salesman. The second is trying to achieve your goals unethically, seen in Macbeth andRead MoreThe Great Gatsby And The Death Of A Salesman1427 Words   |  6 Pages In both The Great Gatsby and The Death of a Salesman, the pursuit of the American Dream is a destructive force that is evident throughout the texts because neither Gatsby nor Willy understand their own limitations. Willy Loman and Gatsby are characters fascinated and easily dominated by the American dream that destroys them. Their dreams come from an illusionary past and that are both based outside of their own selves. Gatsby wanted to rewind to his past, while Willy attempted to create a descentRead MoreThe Great Gatsby And Death Of A Salesman1834 Words   |  8 Pagesthe three excerpts The Catcher in the Rye, The Great Gatsby, and Death of a Salesman could interpret this. The three excerpts have been shown to be a base for â€Å"the American Dream,† or basic â€Å"Alienation,† but to look deeper into the source at hand and their distinct features; the clear status of showing the reader how corrupt society can be. The way these three novels have set the stages for c orruption and it s ongoing timeline that leads to either death or being pushed into a mental hospital. Of courseRead MoreComparing The Great Gatsby And Death Of A Salesman915 Words   |  4 PagesIn both, The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald and Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller, the main characters Jay Gatsby and Willy Loman manifest themselves in their illusions of success and popularity and are unable to face their bitter realities. Within both texts, this idea of false perceived success is portrayed. First, the character Gatsby creates an illusion of success by lying about his source of wealth. He does not want anyone to realize that he is not actually successful and has reliedRead MoreDeath of a Salesman Compared to the Great Gatsby Essay613 Words   |  3 PagesComparing Death of a Salesman to The Great Gatsby In the search for the American dream many things can be lost, this is reflected in the novel The Great Gatsby and the movie Death of a Salesman. Both of these works demonstrate the lengths that some people will go to in order to achieve the stereotypical life of a rich, successful and powerful American, which is often referred to as the American dream. Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller illustrates how the character Willy will stop at nothing toRead MoreThe American Dream in Death of a Salesman and The Great Gatsby1238 Words   |  5 PagesSociety once was based on truth, passion, and liberty for all but now is a mere illusion, focusing on money, power and how to reach it; portraying materialism and wealth as the â€Å"American Dream† and self-actualization, as portrayed by Miller in Death of a Salesman. The American Dream came to mean fame and fortune, instead of a promise that shaped a nation. (David Kamp, Vanity Fair) This so- called dream has done incredible damage to our companies and corporations in America. As economic success andRead MoreSurvival Guide : The Great Gatsby, And Death Of A Salesman1796 Words   |  8 PagesChristine Powroznik English Final Exam: Survival Guide Pursuit of Happyness, Dead Poet’s Society, The Great Gatsby, Death of a Salesman 1) The American Dream The Great Gatsby: The American dream is a chance to start a new life in a new setting. In this book, Gatsby’s American dream was Daisy. Once he met her, he devoted his life to pleasing her: he bought the mansion across the bay from her, had extravagant parties, etc. He always held onto his hope, or the green light, that he would win herRead MoreAmerican Dream Derailed in The Great Gatsby and Death of a Salesman1486 Words   |  6 PagesScott Fitzgerald’s novel, The Great Gatsby, and Arthur Miller’s drama, Death of a Salesman, both protagonists, Jay Gatsby and Willy Loman, are convinced that the way to achieve a better life is by living the â€Å"American dream†. However, the dream does not end up successfully for these two characters. In fact, their ideals and hopes of rising to success cause their American dream to take a turn into a nightmare. Although it may seem as if F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby is portraying a romanticRead More Comparing the Perversion of Values in The Great Gatsby and Death of a Salesman1642 Words   |  7 PagesPerversion of Values in The Great Gatsby and Death of a Salesman      Ã‚   Throughout History there are many examples of perversions, from sexual, social to the very morals themselves. One of the greatest examples is the continuous corruption of the American Dream. As the Dream evolves, it tends to conform to the illicit dealings of the time and immortals of society. No longer is an individual interested in working hard to achieve goals, it is desirous of the quick fix. Society wants its wishes

Saturday, December 14, 2019

August Wilson Free Essays

03/01/13 August Wilson’s Fences is a play set in 1957, about a man named Troy Maxon, who lives his life through societal expectations. He has a family that he destroys by having an affair and getting his mistress pregnant. In August Wilson’s Fences, the character who is most bound by societal expectations is Troy. We will write a custom essay sample on August Wilson or any similar topic only for you Order Now Troy is most bound by societal expectations because he couldn’t live out his dream of becoming a star baseball player because of his past. He refuses to believe that society has changed a lot since then. He settles with what he grew up knowing about society. When Cory tells him he wants to be a football player, he basically tells him to choose another path. Troy settles with being a garbage lifter because he feels that’s what is expected of him. He regrets his past and not becoming a pro baseball star. He takes it out of Cory because he had big dreams like him and he didn’t make it. The character who is least bound by societal expectations is Cory. He is least bound by societal expectations because he is trying to go out and make it playing football. He tries not to pay attention to Troy and his beliefs that he won’t make it because of the society. Cory wants to live outside of the societal expectations and play football in college. In the play Fences Troy failed to see how much society has changed since he was younger. He takes it out on his son Cory who has realized that society has changed and has big dreams. All of Troy’s actions in this play were based on the way he feels about societal expectations and he destroyed his family. How to cite August Wilson, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Analysis of Scoot Approaches Profitability

Question: Discuss about the Analysis of Scoot Approaches Profitability. Answer: Introduction: Internal analysis identifies and evaluates the specific characteristic of the organization such as the resources and capabilities of the organization as well as the competencies. Organizations current vision, mission, strategic objectives and strategies comprise the internal analysis of that organization. Why is it essential to conduct an internal analysis? There are two basic reasons to conduct an internal analysis in an organization. It identifies the strength and weakness of the organization and required for making good strategic decisions. The internal environment analysis process assesses the internal activities of the organization by analyzing the organizational strength and weakness, also obtaining the competitive advantage by investigating the potential of these strengths. (The scoot away, 2016) Mission, Vision and Objective of Scoot The mission and vision of scoot are: Mission: providing a great flight to customers every time. Vision: become an airline influencing the youth. Objective: coming up with new airlines, specifically aiming at the ASIAN countries. Also identifying and developing international alliances and partnerships. (Scoot, 2016) Resources and Competencies Resources are assets employed in the activities and processes of the organization. The resources of an organization are as: These resources of the organizations are so used in a way to get value out of them. The scoot airlines transform its inputs (resources) into output as product and services. This model is the internal processes or activities that the organization achieves competitive advantage providing vale to its customers. There are two main activities that this is performed by scoot airline: The primary activities include the following: Inbound and Outbound Logistics: This operation of scoot is complex and involves timely delivery of fleets. The devices value in outbound logistic is efficient of luggage handling: scheduling of flight: facilities planning: yield management system and the service system of passengers. Operations: Scoot has quite extensive scope of its operations. It globally flies to eighteen destinations. Competitive advantage of scoot in operation is as it offers customers increased security in their checked in luggage, online booking, quick ticket booking and many other e-services. Services: Scoot has services which add value for scoots customers; it has Kris flyer card privileges and loyalty card for its customers. Sales and Marketing: The scoots strategy of marketing is directly related to its target market by utilization of the marketing mix such as social media and advertising, direct marketing, public relations, experiences and events, promotions and sales. The supporting activities include the following: Technology Management: The management of technology has many systems under it such as the baggage tracking system, flight scheduling system, yield management system, in-flight system. Procurement: Scoot has automated procurement process with strict compliance of rules and regulations. Human Resource Management: It has various training for the scoot members such as ground crew customer service training, agent training, pilots and cabin crew safety operation training. Scoot Airlines Competitive Advantage Using the capabilities of the value chain the strategic resources and capabilities are identified. The strategic position of scoot with respect to revenue focus on the company and its competitors. Revenue with 30% increased in 2014 and 5% increased in 2015, with increasing demand of air travel by 6.3%-6.5%.Scoot success factors are as hiring a well trained, a management team with great skills, ground staff, and cabin crew, pilots etc. using a high tech aircrafts and electronic system on board. Partnership with more established airlines globally. In addition to fantastic value airfares scoot provides a safe, reliable and contemporary travel with unique attitude. It has passionately changed the ways people travel long distance At the airline excellence awards by Scoot in 2016 has been named as the best low cost airline for the Asia-Pacific region.(Hauston, S, 2016) Scoot being a low cost subsidiary airline possesses standards and quality in flight services. SIA(Singapore airlines) is a reputable parent company of scoot, the day to day operations of scoot run with stability and with great assurance to its consumers. Scoot provides premium cabin option to consumers. It also seeks to change the perception of the people that if one wants to travel cheap, they have to travel uncomfortably. This gives scoot an edge over budget airlines. Its collaboration with Tigerair in the year 2012 has provided travelers with easier transit procedures. The strong social media presence as YouTube, corporate blog face book has been a strategy of targeting the younger demographic. Scoots efforts to catch with digital age has not been very good, it has not been able to keep up with its campaigns. Several times there have been so many technical issues on digital font faced by scoot. Scoot has limited number of fleet of 6 aircrafts, causing it to only provide a choice of thirteen destinations to its consumers. As scoot has started in the year 2011, it has a weaker brand presence. And this resulted in taking more efforts on scoots end to build consumers who have tried and tested other airlines. Opportunities Scoot is setting up new market trend, the demand for budget airlines are rapidly increasing so the consumers are more interested on taking budget airlines to travel. With an increasing demand for the importance of media in consumers lifestyles scoots focus is giving an edge to its competitors. One of the biggest threats faced by scoot is the rising operational cost and inflation. It needs to take an extra care in managing its operational cost. (The scoot away, 2016) Conclusion This short study is based on the Scoot airline internal environment analysis, in this analysis we primarilyconclude andanalyze the internal environment of scoot its mission, vision, objectives and the organizations resources and capabilities and uses the value chain to evaluate the overall activities within the organization and how these resources and capabilities carry up the strength of the organization and also analyzing the weakness of the organization. The analysis is beneficial for acquiring knowledge about the core competencies and the strategic capabilities of the organization scoot airlines. The analysis seeks to give good source of knowledge and information for a better understanding of the internal environment of scoot airline. Reference CAPA, 2015, Scoot approaches profitability became SEAsias top performing long haul LCC, Boosting SIA outlook, Viewed on 21st December 2016, CHANNEL NEWSASIA, 2015, Scoot named best low-cost airline in Asia Pacific, viewed on 21st December 2016, Duval,T, D, 2014, Air transport of Asia Pacific, Ashgate, Rautledge, New York. Hauston, S, 2016, Scoot: Asia's Newest Low-Cost Airline, viewed on 21st December 2016, Jowkenq, 2012, Singapore airlines, viewed on 21st December 2016, ORACLE NETSUITE, 2015, Press Release, scoot soars in Netsuite cloud, Viewed on 21st December 2016, Pearson, J, Merkert, R, 2012, Airlines-within-airlines: A business model moving east, Journal of air transport management, vol. 38, no: n.d., p.p. 21-26. Scoot, n.d., Scoot airlines, viewed on 21st December 2016, The scoot away, n.d., the scoot story, viewed on 21st December 2016, The Scoot Away, n.d.,SWOT Analysis, Viewed on 21 December 2016,